May 31, 2011

Grade One Conversations

I've given my grade ones the task of two teams creating a mural of a farmyard that we would possibly move to as a wrap up to our farm art unit.  The conversations I hear from the two groups at this moment is amazing.  One group is trying to tell the story of the relationships between the animals through the placement of their objects, buildings, and animals.  The other group drew a cat too big and realized it was bigger than the door of their barn.  But to my surprise one student exclaimed, "It's okay because it is in front of the barn and things that are in front are bigger than things that are far away."  What a great comment that shows they actually do retain the little lessons I teach them everyday.  Such a great moment in my teaching day!

May 17, 2011

Busy Week

Time is winding down at Davison and the busy time is coming to an end.  Club Bravo my musical theatre group will perform "Be A Star" production at our annual Talent Show this Friday.  I look forward to this show every year.  It is always special to see what talent hides in some of our students.  We have selected students off to the University of Regina for the last PLACE activity.  I present my Leadership Academy project to the school division today.  Exciting week, and exhausting!

May 10, 2011

Holy Cow Time Flies!

I can't believe it is May already.  Here in Saskatchewan we have had flooding due to run off, a blizzard, and now lots of rain..Mother Nature is not finished with us yet.  All classes have wrapped up their Natural Environment projects and I will be posting pictures later. 
I just did a workshop with teachers on Arts Education for their professional development in a research project the University of Regina is doing with our schools.  They worked very hard on all strands of Arts Education to better understand the quality of instruction they can give.  Here is an example of their visual art experience.  We used identity as a jumping off point for idea and a black and white photograph of themselves.  It was very interesting to see what ideas they came up with in a short amount of time (20 minutes).